Sunday, December 15, 2013

And so, a blog is born.

I should be studying for finals considering I have a test tomorrow, two on Tuesday, and another on Wednesday. So, I figured what the heck I'll create a blog and write about my problem of having to study rather than solve the problem by actually studying.
This here, folks, is how Bennie's brain works.
My name is Bethany. I was born and raised in the 801. Yes, I'm Mormon. No, I do not have horns, nor do I have seven mothers; I have three.
Ha! Joke's on you I only have two. Ok... let me clarify the two mothers dealio. My parents separated when I was in fourth grade, and my padre remarried two years later to a lovely woman named Christine and is now sealed to her and my step-brother and sister. So, in a sense I have two mothers.... just one is biological and the other is law-gical. And sealed to my dad-gical. Tis magical.
Other facts about me? I debate whether I should or should not go into detail of my personal life considering there are internet predators that are hunting for blonde-hair, blue-eyed prey, but hey I've lived a good life and if I need to, I run fast and I weightlift, so it's all good. I also have a twenty-foot alligator that I keep in my basement, along with a three-headed pit bull that has the power in it's jaw to crush the skull of a rhinoceros, so.....
Alrighty, putting aside the risk of an internet predator, here are a few details about my life.
- Peanut butter is delicious. In fact, any creamy spread is like the Hallelujah Chorus to my taste buds.
- I think the Beatles are pretty neat.
- I hate lists
- I'm a fan of irony
- I have a pet alligator
- I'm questioning myself why I am making a blog.
- I don't really have a pet alligator.

I also have a short attention span, so as of five seconds ago, I just lost interest and no longer have the desire to write a blog post defining my life and how I view the world.
Hasta la pasta.